Skin Resurfacing
in Palmdale, CA
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Skin resurfacing, most commonly using a laser, is the most dramatic nonsurgical procedure to repair and renew the skin to address a wide range of skin concerns. Fractional-based skin resurfacing is the modern skin resurfacing method that involves creating a pattern of microscopic injuries to a fraction of the skin. This stimulates a natural wound healing response exciting the skin to repair itself. The type of injury can vary depending on the type of fractional-based skin resurfacing technology used.

Benefits Of Plasma Skin Resurfacing
More Youthful Appearance: Achieve a refreshed, younger-looking skin.
Improved Skin Tone and Texture: Enhance the overall texture and tone of the skin.
Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Minimal Downtime: Enjoy results without the downtime associated with more invasive procedures.
Customized Treatment Plans: Treatments can be personalized to meet individual needs and goals.
Why Choose Opus Plasma?
Advanced Technology: Opus Plasma advances fractional skin resurfacing with a novel energy source—Plasma. This allows for effective results with significantly reduced downtime compared to traditional methods.
Fractional Plasma: Unlike standard CO2 lasers, Opus Plasma ablates tiny channels while leaving much of the epidermis intact, allowing for quicker recovery and lower risk of infection.
​​​What to Expect
Quick Treatment: Opus Plasma is a fast, 15-minute outpatient procedure usually performed after applying a topical anesthetic.
Personalized Plan: During your consultation, the practitioner will assess your skin and create a customized treatment plan. Noticeable improvements can be seen after the first treatment, with 2 to 3 treatments recommended for optimal results.
Pain and Discomfort
The degree of discomfort varies depending on the treatment plan. A topical anesthetic may be used to numb the area and minimize discomfort.
What Does Recovery Look Like?
Minimal Downtime: Recovery time depends on the treatment settings. Moderate settings usually result in minimal downtime, with 24 to 48 hours of mild to moderate redness and swelling.
Customizable: Recovery time can be adjusted based on the individual's tolerance and desired results. Those needing faster results may experience about a week of recovery, while others may have minimal downtime with multiple lower-setting treatments.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Opus Plasma?
Opus Plasma was developed to be a versatile tool for your practitioner to address a wide demographic of patients of different age groups, skin types and skin concerns. Your practitioner can dial the energy up or down to personalize the right treatment plan for your needs.
Post-Treatment Care
Moisturize: Post-treatment skin may feel sunburned; keeping it moist is essential.
Sun Protection: Use SPF 40 or greater, reapply every two hours, and wear protective accessories like sunglasses and a sunhat to protect against direct sunlight.
Products: Environ’s Super Moisturizer and Antioxidant gel are great options for maintaining moisture.
Opus Plasma offers effective skin resurfacing with less downtime and risk compared to traditional methods. Consider scheduling a consultation to see if it’s right for you.